1 | Name and discuss the three GIS geometry types. | Differentiate between geometry types |
2 | Explain the main concepts and applications of Geographic Information Systems in your own words. | Explain the main concepts and applications of Geographic Information Systems to others using common terminology. |
3 | Identify and describe common features of good maps. | Present and critique an examination of good and bad example maps. |
4 | Examine and explain the GIS elements within your project using your own words. | Identify and explain the GIS elements within a partner’s project |
5 | Discuss ethical considerations of using GIS and maps in development projects. |
Module Introduction
1. Pre-Module Skills Assessment (if not yet administered)
2. Review Module Learning Objectives
Part A: Concepts and Applications of GIS
1. Activity: Points, Lines, and Polygons using bodies
2. Activity: Points, Lines, and Polygons using Tracing/parchment paper to make tangible maps
3. Activity: Identify Real-World Examples
4. Presentation: Application of GIS concepts and terms
5. Discussion Activity: Real-World GIS Applications
Part B: Map Components
1. Presentation: Good Map, Bad Map
2. Activity: Identify Good Map, Bad Map Elements
Part C: Contextualize
1. Activity: A Project’s GIS
2. Activity: Ethical GIS Reflections
Part D: Train the Trainer
1. Walk through/share training agenda with prompts and activity guides
2. Activity: Teach Backs
3. Present post-training resources for Trainers
Questions and Closing
1. Post-Module Skills Assessment
2. Present post-training resources for PM