1 | Examine issues around the documentation of land for communities and individuals, including formal and informal systems and the various stakeholders involved. | Facilitate learning around the documentation of land for communities and individuals, including formal and informal systems and the various stakeholders involved. |
2 | Discuss how strong or weak land rights can affect daily life in the partner’s community, including marginalized and other vulnerable groups. | Evaluate and illustrate land administration systems (for various populations and groups) in partner’s project country and others. |
3 | Describe how Cadasta tools and assistance can help secure community and individual land rights. | Present and explain Cadasta’s mission, approaches, and global work to demonstrate potential partnership activities. |
Module Introduction
1. Pre-Module Skills Assessment (if not yet administered)
2. Review Module Learning Objectives
Part A: Setting the Scene
1. BINGO Icebreaker
2. Discussion: How is land administration defined in your community?
Part B: Overview of Land Rights
1. Activity: Human Continuum of Land Rights
2. Discussion: Continuum of Land Rights
3. Discussion : Bundle of Rights
4. Discussion: Systems – Formal Land Administration and Community-Led Approaches
5. Discussion: Addressing Vulnerable People and Gender in Land and Resource Rights Issues
Part C: Overview of Cadasta Foundation
1. Cadasta Foundation: Who We Are and What We Do
Part D: Train the Trainer
1. Walk through/share training agenda with prompts and activity guides
2. Understanding the Project Context – Legal Framework, etc
3. Activity: Teach Backs
4. Present post-training resources for Trainers
Questions and Closing
1. Post-Module Skills Assessment