
Bagian C Skrip Demonstrasi


This script is to be used for presenting how to create, mengunggah dan berbagi konten di Platform Cadasta, berdasarkan produk ArcGIS Online ESRI.


1. Trainees have an understanding on how to log in to Cadasta’s Platform and know the different content types on the platform.

2. Peserta pelatihan memiliki salinan contoh shapefile downloaded on their desktops and have the Pasangan – Manajer proyek peran di akun pengguna mereka.

3. Anda, pelatih, have slides that show:

  • How content can be created in the platform: collected in the field; created online; or uploaded.
  • Supported file types: Nilai dipisahkan koma (CSV) mengajukan (.csv); File GeoJSON (.geojson atau .json); Bahasa markup lubang kunci (KML) mengajukan (.kml, .kmz); Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls atau .xlsx); Foto dengan lokasi (.zip); Shapefile (.zip); Paket ubin (.tpk atau .tpkx).
  • How to share content to everyone, the organization, groups, and no one.


1. Show a slide that explains how content on the Platform can be created by collecting it in the field with mobile devices, adding from online resources, or uploading from your workstation.

2. Explain that this demonstration will focus on how to upload data from your workstation since this is the most common task when creating content that is not collected through mobile apps.

3. Show a slide that lists the supported file types and explain that a common use case for adding content to the Platform would be when you already have data collected in previous projects or from your archives.

4. Explain that in most cases, data will be in a text file or an Excel spreadsheet and that in some cases it will be in a KML or shapefile.

5. Explain that there are many formats that can be uploaded but the common and most useful ones are listed on the slide.

6. Explain that you will now show how to upload the contoh shapefile, which they received at the beginning of their training. Note that the location of this file on your desktop may be different than the location on other people’s desktop.

7. Explain that the files need to be compressed into a zip file before they can be uploaded to the Platform.

8. Tampilkan halaman beranda Platform Cadasta (

9. tekan Kandungan tab. Explain that to create content, you first need to open the Kandungan halaman.

10. tekan Tambahkan Barang tombol dan kemudian pilih Dari komputer Anda pilihan.

11. Klik Pilih File button and navigate to the location of the compressed contoh shapefile on your desktop and select it.

12. Dalam Add an item from your computer jendela, tekan Isi drop-down and show that it has different file formats that are supported by the Platform.

13. Explain that the Platform will try to automatically determine which file format is in the compressed file but it is always a good idea to verify that the correct format was chosen.

14. Explain that in this demo, the Platform has correctly identified the contents included as a shapefile so no further action is needed.

15. Explain that data uploaded to the platform is by default saved in its original form.

16. Tunjukkan Publikasikan file ini sebagai lapisan yang dihosting checkbox and explain that you should always publish the data as a hosted feature layer if you want to make use of the data in other items such as web maps, aplikasi web, dasbor, dll.

17. Jelaskan bahwa Anda dapat mengganti nama item data. Anda juga harus menambahkan beberapa tag sebelum data dapat diunggah dan dipublikasikan.

18. Rename the data item to Demo Pelatihan Bangladesh [namamu]. Menggantikan [namamu] dengan nama depan dan belakang Anda. Explain that this new name is just an example.

19. Tambahkan demo tag and explain that it is important to try and add tags which will help find this item quickly in the future.

20. tekan Tambahkan Barang button and explain that the Platform is now uploading and publishing the data.

21. Di jendela baru yang terbuka, show that a new feature layer has been created and its new name is Demo Pelatihan Bangladesh [namamu].

22. Copy the url of the new feature layer and explain that we will use this url later on in this session.

23. Explain that after data has been published, it is always recommended to review the data table and view the data on a web map if the data includes any geometry.

24. tekan Data tab and explain that this specific dataset has only one record and that this record has been correctly published.

25. Explain that you will now review the geometry of this dataset by pressing the Visualisasi tab.

26. Explain that this dataset included only one polygon and that the platform was able to upload the geometry correctly.

27. tekan Gambaran tab and explain that after data has been uploaded and published it is only visible by you and that in order to allow other people to view it it must be shared.

28. Show a slide which shows the difference between sharing to everyone, the organization, a user group, and not sharing with anyone.

29. tekan Bagikan button on the right of the screen and then press the Edit group sharing tombol.

30. Di bilah pencarian, pencarian untuk Demo dan pilih Grup Demo – Manajer Proyek kelompok.

31. Explain that only users which have the Pasangan – Manajer proyek peran dapat membagikan konten ke grup.

32. Explain that Cadasta trainers and support staff also have permissions to share content to the entire organization and publicly. If this is desired, please reach out to Cadasta staff or trainers for assistance.

33. Open an incognito browser and enter the url for the feature layer.

34. Explain that by default, anyone wishing to view this layer needs to have a user account on the Platform and be part of the group which the layer was shared to.

35. Explain that if data is shared to the entire organization then the user does not have to be part of that group.

36. Explain that if the layer is shared publicly than anyone with the link to the url can view it.