
भाग बी प्रदर्शन स्क्रिप्ट #2


This script is a guide for trainers to use when presenting examples of operations dashboards, in real time, to show the different components and uses for a dashboard on Cadasta’s Platform, ईएसआरआई आर्कजीआईएस ऑनलाइन उत्पाद पर आधारित.


  • Trainees have an understanding on how to log into Cadasta’s Platform and create a web map.
  • Trainers have opened all of the example links in their web browser on different tabs, to facilitate quick transition between examples shown on the projector screen.

डेमो कदम

1. Describe what a dashboard is by showing a slide with a description: “A tool which enables users to convey information by presenting analytics using intuitive and interactive data visualizations on a single screen.”

2. Explain how dashboards can be used for many different use cases and show the web pages from different dashboards for each use case:
ए. Forestry
ख. कृषि
सी. Demographic
घ. Land Use
इ. Water Quality Status
च. Wildlife Conservation

3. Open the link for the Agriculture Dashboard Example.

4. Explain that this dashboard is an example of how you can show overall program metrics for Best Management Practice (BMP) programs in agriculture.

5. Explain that BMPs are methods or techniques found to be the most effective and practical means in achieving an objective while making the best use of resources.

6. Explain that the dashboard shows the title of the dashboard at the top and point to the “Best Management Practice Dashboard” text.

7. Explain that the dashboard includes a graph on the implementation status of each BMP program and point to it.

8. Explain that the dashboard also includes three values called Indicators (Number of enrollments, Agricultural Acres Enrolled, Percentage Verified) and point to them.

9. Explain that the dashboard includes a map to show the watershed areas in which these programs are being implemented. Show the map.

10. Explain that the dashboard includes a filter which allows you to focus on one watershed area.

11. Select one watershed area and explain how selecting one area will only show the statistics relevant to that area.

12. Close the page showing the dashboard and explain that you will now show another example of a different dashboard.

13. Open the link for the Land Use Dashboard.

14. Explain that this dashboard is an example of how to show built and unbuilt lands.

15. Explain the importance of using consistent colors. इस मामले में, yellow is for residential areas, green is for parks and open spaces, red is for commercial areas, blue is for semi-public areas, and gray is for roads.

16. Show that the map is a central part of the dashboard and note that it uses the same colors as the other graphs.

17. Show that the “GP Land Use Group 1 Categories and Status” card at the bottom left does not show the details clearly but the card can be opened by pressing the Expand button on the top right corner of the card.

18. Close the page showing the dashboard and explain that you will now show a third example of a dashboard.

19. Open the link for the Water Quality Status Dashboard.

20. Explain that this dashboard shows the location and water quality of water bodies in Maryland.

21. Show the three indicators on the top panel and the use of colors to emphasize the water quality: Green for good; Red for advisory; Yellow for unknown.

22. Show the three gauge indicators on the bottom panel which represents the levels of different pollutants. Explain how these can help someone quickly understand the amount of pollutants.

23. Explain that each indicator has two colors on the right side which indicate medium (in yellow) and high (in red) risk levels.

24. Show the list of water bodies on the right side and that each one has a quick indicator status to the right of the name.

25. Show that pressing on the name of the water body zooms to the location of the water body and causes the different pollutant indicators to change value accordingly.

26. Show the floating side panel by pressing on the blue right arrow which is to the extreme left of the dashboard.

27. Explain that the panel has various filters which can be used to show different components of the information. Explain how this can be used to help focus on problem areas or on certain types of water bodies to make the actions more efficient.