
ផ្នែក C ប្រអប់បញ្ចូលសកម្មភាព


This activity prompts training participants to create a web map and dashboard, followed by presentations of the work and discussion led by the trainer..


  • A data set (Survey with responses that can be represented graphically and in a GIS environment)


90 minutes in total.

45-60 minutes for participants to create their web maps and Dashboards, with the remaining time for presentations and discussion.


1. Training participants have just seen live demonstrations of the trainer creating a web map and Dashboard. Now the participants have 30-45 minutes to each create a web map and Dashboard of their own using a data set provided by the trainer. (Exact timing will depend on the capability and experience of participants).

2. Trainer will tell participants they have about 45 minutes to use the data set provided to create a web map and Dashboard on the Cadasta Platform. Request that they start with the web map, and then proceed to the Dashboard.

3. Around the 20 minute mark, assess whether participants have already completed the web map. If the majority have completed this and are working on the Dashboard, make an announcement that there are 25 minutes left to complete the activity. If it appears that participants need more time, grant the additional 15 minutes and let participants know when they have 20 and 10 minutes remaining.

4. When the time allotment ends, ask participants to stop where they are. Note that it is fine if some participants do not fully complete their Dashboard.

5. Trainer now asks for two volunteers to present their maps to the group. Prompt each volunteer to explain why they chose a particular basemap, color schemes, particular data layers, and so forth while presenting their map.

6. After each presentation, give feedback on what the participant did well and what could use some additional practice. Ask for reactions and comments from the other participants as well.

7. Trainer asks for two volunteers, this time to present their Dashboards to the group. Try to select participants who have not yet presented during the training course or module. Once again rompt each volunteer to explain why they chose a particular map, card types, color schemes, and so forth while presenting their Dashboard.

8. After each Dashboard presentation, give feedback on what the participant did well and what could use some additional practice. Ask for reactions and comments from the other participants as well.

9. When all volunteers have presented and the feedback discussions have concluded, thank all of the volunteers for presenting their work and ask the group to give them a round of applause. Offer any final comments for the group.