Does Cadasta have any standard or required questions?

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Do we need to include any specific questions in our survey or can I use any questions I want to?

Mike Harrison Changed status to publish November 11, 2020

Yes, Cadasta has required standard questions that all partners must use in their surveys.

Your organization can add any questions that fit your project on top of the Cadasta Standard questions.

Here are the questions:

Cadasta – Standard Questions


Standard Questions Template Link

Free, Prior, and Informed Consent

  • Participation in this survey is voluntary but we hope that you will participate since your views are important. This will take about 20 minutes of your time. 
  • Do you want to take part in this survey?
    • Yes
      • Please go to the next page.
    • No
      • Please exit the survey.

Respondent Information for Land Claimant (Demographics)

  • What is your full name (surname and given name)? 
    • Fillable answer(s)
  • Are you the head of household?
    • Yes
    • No
  • What is the respondent’s gender?
    • Female
    • Male
    • Other
  • What year were you born? (two answer options to choose from)
    • Fillable answer


    • Please select from the following (If for instance, the age is 27, then the selection would be 25-34.):
      • 0-14
      • 15-24
      • 25-34
      • 35-44
      • 45-54
      • 55-64
      • 65 and older
  • What is your marital status (if any)?
    • Single
    • Married
    • Partnership
    • Widowed
    • Divorced
  • If not single, how many additional people live in this household? (*note: repeat Respondent Information for Land Claimant (Demographics) questions if more than one person lives in the household)

Land Information

  • How is the land used?
    • Agriculture
    • Residential
    • Grazing
    • Fallow (unused land)
    • Commercial/Industrial 
    • Unimproved
    • Forest
    • Pastoral
    • Natural Resources
    • Fishery
    • Recreation
    • Transport
  • How is the land currently occupied? (Baseline question for Impact Indicator #2, subsequent data collection required)
    • Customary – No Documentation
    • Customary – Documented Rights
    • Government Issued Title
    • Other Government Issued Land Documentation (Certificate of Use, Certificate of Occupancy, Long Term Lease, Building Permit)
    • Informal – No Documentation
    • Adverse Possession (Informal Occupancy)
    • Do not know
    • Refused to answer

(Perception of) Tenure Security

  • How worried are you that you could lose the right to use this property, or part of this property, against your will in the next 5 years?
    • Not worried at all
    • Not worried
    • Somewhat worried
    • Very worried 
    • Do not know
    • Refused to answer
  • And in the next 5 years, how likely or unlikely is it that you could lose the right to use this property, or part of this property, against your will? 
    • Very unlikely
    • Unlikely
    • Somewhat likely
    • Very likely
    • Do not know
    • Refused to answer

Land Conflict

  • Have you experienced conflict over your land in the last 5 years?
    • Yes
    • No
    • I don’t know.
    • Refuse to answer.
  • Please tell me the reasons why you previously said you are worried about losing the right to use this property in the next 5 years? 
    • The owner/renter may ask me to leave <if not owner>
    • Disagreements with family or relatives
    • Death of a household member
    • Companies may seize this property
    • Other people or groups may seize this property
    • Lack of money or other resources needed to live in this property
    • Government may seize this property
    • Issues with local/customary authorities (e.g., officials/chiefs, elder)
    • Missing or inaccurate land records
    • Conflict or terrorism
    • Difficulty of reclaiming land if I had to leave due to a natural disaster (e.g., flood, fire, earthquake)
    • Climate change
    • Other, please specify _____________ 
    • Do not know.
    • Refused to answer

Improved Access to Goods and Services

  • Does your household, or any member of the household, have: (please check all that apply):
    • Electricity
    • Running water in the house
    • Toilet in house
    • Standardized home address
    • Hold a bank account
    • Have a national ID card
    • Accessed a loan from a financial institution
    • Enrolled in school
    • Other ______________
  • Have you ever used or tried to use this property as collateral to get access to credit/financing from a bank or to obtain a loan from someone?
    • No, never used or tried
    • Yes, tried to use (but did not end up using)
    • Yes, actually used
    • Do not know
    • Refused to answer
  • Have you made any investments in your property in the last 3 years?  
    • Yes
      • If yes, how much has been invested?
        • Fillable answer
    • No


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