
পার্ট সি ক্রিয়াকলাপ প্রম্পট #1


In this activity participants will be able to understand the concepts of GIS and how they are represented in their projects. Participants will describe the applied GIS aspects within their project.


  • Computer
  • Smartphone
  • Projector
  • Flipchart
  • Markers
  • Examples of GIS concepts
  • Participant project description
  • Participant project survey
  • Participant project web map
  • Participant project Operations Dashboard


10 minutes for presentation activity, five minutes for general GIS element identification, five minutes for project-specific GIS element identification, five minutes for summary.


1. The trainer will present the ideas through examples of:

ক. Draw geometry types on a flipchart: points, লাইন, and polygons
খ. Show project map(s) on a projector: web maps, embedded web maps in Dashboards. Note that these are usually the same map just displayed in two different ways
গ. Show the project survey on a projector and/or smartphone: the collection of geometry

2. Identification of the different GIS elements in general:

ক. Ask participants to identify on a flipchart different GIS elements
খ. Ask participants to identify the technical devices used to apply GIS in their project. These typically include smartphones, computers, GNSS, ইত্যাদি.

3. Identification of the different GIS elements in their project:

ক. Mention different GIS elements and ask the participants to denote how they relate to their project while capturing this on a flip chart
খ. Ask participants to identify on a flipchart different GIS elements that will be collected and or used in their project.

4. The trainer summarizes the key GIS elements and how they are found within the participant project.