Kennis basis

Survey123-databasebestanden kopiëren vanaf een Android-apparaat

Als je een goede internetverbinding hebt:

1. Ga in het startscherm van uw mobiele apparaat naar een lijst met al uw apps

2. Zoek een app met de naam "Bestandsbeheer" (of iets dergelijks)

3. Open de app

4. Find a folder called Telefoon

5. Open the folder

6. Find the folder called ArcGIS and open it

7. Find the folder called Mijn enquêtes and open it

8. Find the folder called Databases and open it

9. Find a file with a .sqlite extension

10. Press the name of the file for a few seconds until it is selected

11. On the bottom of the app you should have the option to share the file

12. Share file via email and send it to the Cadasta staff

If you do not have good internet connection:

1. You will need to connect your mobile device to your workstation with a USB cable

2. After connecting the device you should be able to open the Windows Explorer and see the device

3. Go to the device and navigate to its folders

4. Find the folder called ArcGIS and open it

5. Find the folder called Mijn enquêtes and open it

6. Find the folder called Databases and open it

7. Find a file with a .sqlite extension

8. Copy the file over to your workstation

9. Share the file via email and send it to the Cadasta staff