Kennis basis

Een veld toevoegen aan een objectlaag

1. Navigate to the desired Web Map onderdeel details

null 759

2. Klik Openen in kaartviewer

null 97

3. See the Web Map

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4. Klik Inhoud

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5. Klik op de Tabel tonen icoon null 100 under the desired layer

Opmerking: This example uses the Pradan geometryPolygon layer

null 101

6. See the Table View

7. Klik Opties

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8. Klik Add Field

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9. Fill out all content

Opmerking: This example uses double type for its numerical field for area in hectares

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10. Klik Add New Field

11. See the new Field in the Table

Opmerking: This example uses the Hectares field

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12. Click on the field name, Hectares

13. Klik op Calculate

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14. De Calculate Field window appears

15. Fill out the SQL Expression

Expression: POWER(Shape__Area,2)/10000

Explanation: The Shape_Area field is in meters. In order to convert meters to hectares, you must base the expression on the following equation: Ha = m2/1,000null 109

16. Klik Calculate

17. See that the Hectares field has been calculated