Kennis basis

Een verzameld onderzoeksrecord verwijderen

These steps will explain how to delete a collected survey record in Survey123.


You will need to have an account on the Cadasta Platform and be the owner of the survey.


1. Navigeren naar Mijn enquêtes

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2. Log in

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3. If not automatically, navigeren naar All Surveys

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4. Select your desired survey

Opmerking: The number of uploaded surveys is reflected in the Record(s) information shown on the survey’s thumbnail. In this case, there are seven records

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5. You will automatically be brought to the Overview Page of your survey

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6. Navigeer naar de Data Page of your survey

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7. Selecteer Openen in kaartviewer on the Data Page of your survey

Opmerking: A pop-out (inset) window will appear of the mapped view of collected survey records

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8. Click on the record you would like to delete

Opmerking: The selected record’s data will be shown in a pop-up box which can be scrolled through

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9. Scroll down through the record pop-up and select Bewerk

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10. The Edit survey screen will open

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11. Scroll down through the Edit screen and select Verwijderen at the bottom

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