Knowledge base

Creating Pop-Ups for Web Maps

1. Navigate to your desired map in the Map Viewer

null 833

2. Click More Options null 834

3. Click Configure Pop-up

null 835

4. See the Configure Pop-up sidebar

null 836

5. Choose an option from the Display drop-down

null 837

6. If A list of field attributes is chosen:

a. Select Configure Attributes

null 838

b. Check the boxes next to the appropriate attributes

null 839

c. Select OK

d. Select OK again

7. If A description from one field is chosen:

a. Select desired attribute from the Attributes drop-down

null 840

b. Select OK

8. If A custom attribute display is chosen:

a. Click Configure

null 841

b. Fill out content as desired

null 842

c. Select OK

d. Select OK

9. If No attribute information is chosen:

a. Select OK

null 843

b. Select Save

10. If A custom attribute display is chosen to link Collector with Survey123:

a. Click Configure

null 841

b. Select View HTML Source

null 844

c. Copy and paste the following into the HTML text box

GlobalID: {GlobalID}

Complete a survey for this polygon

null 845

d. Select View HTML Source

null 846

e. Select OK

null 842

f. Select OK

g. Select Save