Bundel Hak
In this activity participants will be able to openly discuss the concepts and categories of the Bundle of Rights. Participants will be able to associate the theoretical concepts with the real life examples.
20 menit untuk kegiatan kelompok dan 20 menit untuk presentasi
Flip chart
1. Untuk melakukan kegiatan ini, the participants should be divided into four groups. Pastikan bahwa kelompok terwakili secara setara, seimbang gender, and composed with participants of different sectors and/or locations.
2. Assign each group a category to represent: Individual, Firm or Company, Community, and Government. Note that the allocation of participants throughout the group should be voluntarily or systematically.
3. Start the discussion by providing an hypothetical situation where:
Sebuah. The region is under the local government jurisdiction, which is also part of the state and federal government sovereignty.
b. The private firm submitted a business plan to explore natural resources in the regions, including the land use title.
c. The region is also claimed by the community under customary norms, they have lived in the area for decades.
d. Individuals in the community use water sources nearby the place where the private firm will conduct its activities.
4. Task each group with discussing the rights that they are entitled to within the contested area.
5. The discussion should use the concept of the Bundle of Rights.
6. Write the responses on a flip chart.
7. For the general discussion, each group should provide arguments supporting the rights listed in their individual discussions.
8. Beri setiap kelompok lima menit untuk mempresentasikan Bundel Hak mereka yang terdaftar.
9. Pada akhirnya, the facilitator summarizes the overall view of the bundle of rights and how it affects each of the categories.