Um fazendeiro acaba de vender sua terra para seu vizinho, então as duas fazendas agora serão uma grande fazenda. Como posso corrigir os dados do meu lote para mostrar essa mudança?
1 Responda
Hi Shreya, thank you for your question. There are multiple ways to go about solving this issue.
(1) You can edit your data, if you have a Project Manager type Platform account, in the Platform.
(2) Additionally, if you have access to ArcGIS Pro, you can edit in the Desktop application.
The most straightforward way to combine the two farms’ parcel data would be to edit your survey’s feature layer in the Platform. You can do this by following Editando Vértices de Polígonos.
You can also follow Excluindo vértices no ArcGIS Pro to achieve similar results. If you would like to know more about advanced geoprocessing functionality, dê uma olhada em this overview on the Data Management Tools.