
Data Collection Syllabus





Describe the project goals in their own words and be able to articulate the role of data collection in supporting those goals.Articulate knowledge of Cadasta and the project objectives to trainees and lead exercises to ensure data collector comprehension and capability.


Download app, login, and download imagery and the survey form in the Survey123 appTeach other people to download app, login, and download imagery and survey in the Survey123 app


Describe how to complete offline data collection using the survey form, including accurate geospatial data, and various saving optionsTeach others how to complete offline data collection using the survey form and various saving options


Examine gender, cultural, and other considerations during survey administration and identify strategies to address them.Lead exercises that examine gender, cultural, and other considerations during survey administration and identify strategies to address them.


Diagnose basic tech problems of field data collectors and resolve issues or identify avenues for unresolved problems.


Welcome and Introductions

  • Pre-module skills assessment (if not yet administered)
  • Review module learning objectives

Part A: Setting the Scene

  • Activity: discuss project coals
  • Presentation: Cadasta
  • Other talking points about data collection
  • Activity: What’s your survey introduction at each household?
  • Activity and discussion: gender, cultural, and other considerations during survey administration

Part B: Preparing the Technology for Surveys

  • Demonstration: download app, login, and download imagery and survey in the Survey123 app
  • Administer quiz and review answers

Part C: Using the Technology for Surveys

  • Demonstration: complete offline data collection using the survey form and various saving options
  • Discussion: GNSS device pairing and geospatial data accuracy
  • Activity: role play collector-respondent
  • Complete and save survey form and identify strategies to address gender, cultural, and other considerations during survey administration
  • Present post-training resources

Part D: Project Manager Only

  • Present annotated training agenda with activity prompts and all materials
  • Teach back: preparing technology for surveys
  • Short quiz and review answers
  • Present post-training resources for project managers (and/or trainers)

Questions and Closing