Base de conhecimento

Criação de um aplicativo da web

Nota: You will need to have already created a web map with relevant data layers to successfully complete this action

1. Open the customized web map that was prepared in the previous step. On the right select Create Web App > Using a Template

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2. Selecione os Cadasta Basic Template

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3. Selecione Create Web App

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4. Complete the input for title, tags, summary, etc. and select Feito

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5. Customize the editable parameters in the template. Selecione Salve  when complete

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6. Selecione Launch to view the completed Web App. Make adjustments by visiting the details page and selecting Configure App. For the demo projects, we are using Project Rose Web AppAll Data, Project Rose Web AppBy Party Type, Project Rose Web AppQA Validation
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Nota: If you want to create additional web apps for other audiences (to limit viewable data, etc.), you need to create additional web maps and then repeat this step

Resources for Using Web AppBuilder

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS

Edit a Widget