Base de conhecimento

Criação de um mapa online


See the “Introdução aos Tipos de Item” page to recall the different items types

Add a Basemap

1. Navigate to the Cadasta Platform and click Mapa at the top of the page

2. At the top of the Detalhes pane, Clique no Conteúdo botão

Contents pane

3. Se necessário, Clique no Mapa base botão na faixa de opções e escolha um mapa base

4. Salve seu mapa. Na fita, Clique no Salve  botão e escolha Salve 

Add Layers

1. Na fita, Clique no Adicionar botão e escolha Pesquisa por Camada. Uma lista padrão de resultados de pesquisa aparece

Search for Layers option

2. Se necessário, click the dropdown arrow at the top of the pane and choose an option from the default search list

3. Type in the search box. Você pode limitar os resultados da pesquisa

4. Na lista de resultados, localize o resultado da sua pesquisa

5. Clique Adicionar para adicionar a camada ao mapa. Você pode adicionar quantas camadas desejar

6. No topo do painel de pesquisa, Clique no Voltar botão. As camadas são desenhadas, com seus símbolos padrão, na ordem em que foram carregados no mapa

7. Salve seu mapa. Na fita, Clique no Salve  botão e escolha Salve 

Set Layer Properties

1. No Adicionar itens do seu computador pane, point to your layer. Clique no Mais opções botão e escolha Rename

2. No Rename Adicionar itens do seu computador, change the layer name and click Está bem

3. In the same way, rename each of your other layers

4. No Adicionar itens do seu computador pane, point to one of your layers. Clique no Mais opções button and click Move Up. The layer moves up one position

5. Move the layer to the top of the list

6. No Adicionar itens do seu computador pane, point to your layer. Clique no Mais opções botão e escolha Create Labels

7. Each entity is labeled

8. No Label Features pane, you can change the label size

9. Open the properties for one of the layers and choose Transparência

10. Set the transparency percentage

11. Salve seu mapa. Na fita, Clique no Salve  botão e escolha Salve 

Define the Map Legend

1. At the top of the Adicionar itens do seu computador pane, Clique no Lenda botão. Legend entries are created for all layers except the basemap

2. At the top of the Lenda pane, Clique no Conteúdo botão

3. Open the properties for a layer and choose Hide in Legend

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4. Keep it hidden if you would like

5. If you would like to show the layer, then choose Show in Legend

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6. View the legend again to see the effect, and then go back to the Adicionar itens do seu computador pane

Change a Symbol

1. No Adicionar itens do seu computador pane, point to a desired layer and click the Mudança de estilo botão

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2. No Mudança de estilo pane, the currently selected style is Localização (Single symbol), which is indicated by the check mark. In this style, all features in the layer are drawn with the same symbol. The location style is appropriate when you want to see the features on the map but you’re not interested in their particular characteristics, such as names or speed limits

3. For a drawing style, under Localização (Single symbol), clique Opções

4. Debaixo Showing Location Only, clique Symbols to change the symbol

5. On the color palette, choose a color that you think will look good and click Está bem. The new color is applied to the map (If you don’t like it, clique Symbols again to open the color palette and choose a different color)

6. At the bottom of the Mudança de estilo pane, clique Está bem e clique Feito

7. Salve seu mapa. Na fita, Clique no Salve  botão e escolha Salve 


  • If you’re in a new session, clicking Mapa will open a new map. Otherwise, it will open an existing map (the last map you were using). If an existing map opens, clique New Map, and choose Create New Map
  • If you save the map, the map extent at the time of saving will become the extent used by the Extensão padrão botão. It can also be useful to add spatial bookmarks to navigate to particular map locations
  • Layer properties are always accessed in the same way: by pointing to the layer name and clicking an appropriate button or clicking the Mais opções button and choosing the property you want to change
  • The usual practice is to put points above lines, and lines above polygons. Pontos, linhas, and polygons are all feature layers: they usually represent discrete geographic objects that have more or less precise locations and boundaries
  • Tile layers are images and cannot be manipulated in the same ways as feature layers. They typically represent large, continuous surfaces rather than discrete objects. Tile layers cannot be moved above feature layers in a map
  • When you start a new map, or open one of your own saved maps, it opens with the Adicionar itens do seu computador pane showing. When anyone else opens a map created by you, however, it opens with the Lenda pane showing
  • A layer’s default display settings, including its style and pop-up configuration, are made by its owner. Once you add a layer to your own map, however, you’re free to change those settings