
Mensaje de actividad de la parte A #3


This activity prompt will guide trainers through a participatory activity to discuss the various real world GIS applications.


30 minutos en total


  • Flipcharts
  • Assorted markers or pens


1. Assess the number of training participants and divide the group into different smaller groups, con la misma cantidad de personas en cada grupo si es posible.

2. Assign each group one of the following GIS application to discuss and present to the full group:

una. Mapping
si. Urban Planning
C. Public Health
re. Transportation Planning
mi. Community Development
F. Disaster Risk and Management
gramo. Agriculture Value Chain
h. Surveying
yo. Geology
j. Natural Resource Management

3. Ask each group to discuss in about 10 minutes how GIS has been applied in a particular field taking into consideration their country, province, or village.

4. Give participants five minutes to present and explain their choice and its application in the context chosen.

5. Después de que todos los grupos presentes, lead a debrief to reflect on patterns across examples given and the context chosen.


If there are fewer participants in this training activity, the trainer may choose to assign each group with one or more of the GIS application fields.