
Roteiro de demonstração da parte A #2

Introduce Imagery and Platform Access


This script is to be used for presenting how imagery can be displayed and used in Cadasta’s Platform, based on the ESRI ArcGIS Online product and in the Survey123 mobile application.


  • Trainees have an understanding of how to log in to Cadasta’s Platform and have downloaded the Survey123 mobile app.
  • The trainer and trainees have downloaded the Project Grow – Enquete (Treinamento) survey to their mobile device.


1. Show the Página inicial da Plataforma Cadasta.

2. Explain that the ArcGIS Online platform has imagery available for the entire world which can be used primarily as a background for the data layers.

3. Explain that in addition, other sources of imagery (aerial, drone or satellite imagery) can be added to the platform.

4. aperte o Mapa tab and show that a web map has a default basemap which can be changed to other basemaps, Incluindo Imagens.

5. In the web map, aperte o Mapa base button and scroll down to find the Imagens, Imagery with Labels, e Imagery Hybrid basemaps.

6. aperte o Imagens basemap and explain that this basemap only shows the satellite imagery without additional information. This can be useful if you already have other data layers with place names or roads.

7. aperte o Imagery with Hybrid basemap and explain that this basemap is useful if you would like to also see roads and place names. Zoom into an urban area and show that when you are zoomed in far enough, roads and place names will start appearing.

8. aperte o Imagery with Labels basemap and explain that this basemap is useful if you have a road layer but do not have information on place names.

9. Explain that these basemaps are provided as part of the platform but additional imagery sources can be published to the platform using ArcGIS Desktop software.

10. aperte o Casa Este conjunto de dados incluiu apenas um polígono Casa selection from the subsequent drop down list to return to the home screen.

11. aperte o Procurar option on the upper right corner of the home screen, symbolized by a magnifying glass, and enter: orthomap_stonetown_tif.

12. Explain that this is an example of drone imagery which was found from free online resources, such as the OpenAerialMap website.

13. Explain that the imagery was published as a Title Layer using the ArcGIS Desktop software and Cadasta can help you publish these types of images if needed.

14. Explain that the imagery can be shown in a new web map.

15. Press the down arrow next to the Abrir no visualizador de mapa button and press the Add to new map opção.

16. In the web map, aperte o Mapa base button and select the Imagens botão.

17. Zoom in and explain that drone or aerial imagery usually provides much higher resolution.

18. No Adicionar itens do seu computador panel on the left side, uncheck the box next to orthomap_stonetown_tif and show the difference in details from a drone image.

19. Explain that drone or aerial imagery are not always freely available and in most cases you would need to either fly your own drone and process its imagery or pay a local or regional vendor to collect this imagery.

20. Explain that Cadasta can help with this process by finding appropriate vendors to provide these services.

21. Explain that you will now show how to access imagery in the Survey123 mobile application.

22. On your mobile device open the Survey123 app and show your screen to the participants.

23. Explain that you will be using the demo project called “Project Grow” and press the Project Grow – Enquete (Treinamento) icon to open the survey.

24. aperte o Collect button to start the survey.

25. Answer the questions until you arrive at page 3 out of 4. The first question on this page will ask to Collect the outline of the land.

26. Press the map icon to open the map section.

27. Explain that the default basemap for this map can be configured in the web map of the survey and that this basemap can be changed by pressing the Mapa base botão, symbolized by the four map squares on the right side.

28. Selecione os World Imagery button and explain that these basemaps require an internet connection to show up correctly.

29. Explain that additional imagery sources can be configured for offline use in Survey123 and these will be covered in a separate session.

30. The imagery collected via the Survey123 app will then be uploaded to the feature layer related to the survey and can be viewed in the Cadasta Platform.