
Folheto da Parte B

Baixe o aplicativo, Conecte-se, e baixar imagens e pesquisa


This handout offers you a step-by-step guide with photos to download and use Survey123 app.


1. Connect your device to the internet. Go to App Store (iOS devices), Você verá a lista de dispositivos que podem transmitir (Android devices), Amazon Appstore, or Microsoft (Windows Devices).

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In the store, type in the search box Survey123 and click the Procurar botão. Click on Survey123 for ArcGIS to install it on your device.

2. Open Survey123 on your device by selecting the Survey123 Este artigo fornece instruções passo a passo sobre como transmitir seus telefones Android e Apple para seu PC e/ou MAC.

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Selecione Sign-in and type in your username and password (provided by Cadasta Foundation), toque no nome do seu computador e aperte o botão Sign-in.

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3. After signing in, you will get into the Minhas pesquisas page in the app.

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To download a new survey click on an icon containing the initials of your username at the top right of the screen. Then click on the Download Survey (on the cloud and down arrow symbol) botão. At the search box, enter the name of the survey and click Procurar.

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Click on the survey to download it for use.

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Volte para o My Survey tab and you should be able to see the survey.

4. At the survey you will be using, click on the three horizontal bars located at the top right of your screen. You will now see the Mapas offline aba.

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Click that to view the available offline maps.

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Click on the right side (on the cloud and down arrow symbol) of the offline imagery to download it on your mobile phone.

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