
Mensaje de discusión de la parte B #4

Abordar a las personas vulnerables y al género en cuestiones de derechos a la tierra y los recursos


En esta actividad, participants will be able to openly discuss and identify the most vulnerable people when addressing land and resources rights. Participants will be able to map and assign the degree of vulnerability of each of the identified groups based on real life examples from their communities.


30 minutos para la actividad grupal y 20 minutos de presentación




1. Para realizar esta actividad, the participants should be divided into small groups of three or more people. Asegúrese de que los grupos estén igualmente representados, equilibrio de género, composed with participants of different sectors and/or locations

2. Assign each group one category above identified to represent during the discussions. Tenga en cuenta que la asignación de participantes a los grupos se puede asignar de forma voluntaria o sistemática.

3. Start the activity by asking participants to identify and map the most vulnerable people in the communities based on gender, age, marital status, etc. Encourage groups to be creative on how they present their ideas.

4. The discussion should be focused on:

una. How are those groups represented in the communities?
si. Do the groups have enough bargaining power to make their voices heard in the community?
C. Why are those groups more vulnerable? Who decides on their behalf?
re. Is there a safety net to accommodate these groups when they need it?

5. Note that the discussion here needs to be related with access to land and natural resources. Entonces, the above questions should be linked to land and natural resources.

6. Escriba las respuestas en un rotafolio.

7. Para la discusión general, each group should provide arguments supporting their views on why and how these groups are vulnerable.

8. Dar a cada grupo 10 minutes to present their listed Bundle of Rights and address the questions posed above.

9. Al final, the facilitator summarizes the overall points raised during this discussion and shares the general view on inclusive and equal access to land and natural resources.